1960s Music from the Animals to the Zombies
The Year the Music Died (which was 1972) is packed with information, stories, trivia, and photos relating to the "golden era" of pop music between 1964 and 1972. Author Dwight Rounds covers the Beatles and their music in depth, including a separate chapter devoted to John Lennon. Subsequent chapters covering the Rolling Stones, Byrds, Doors and CSNY, are followed by sections on all the other influential groups of the era.
Rounds also discusses the major music festivals of the time (Monterey Pop, Woodstock, and the Isle of Wight), followed by history and commentary of the social movements of the time.
Which album cover had a toilet on it?
Which bands had two drummers or two keyboard players?
Find out in The Year the Music Died.
Music trivia buffs and casual fans alike will not want to miss this unbeatable collection!
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With purchase, you get:
1. The Book
2. CD of clips of all the #1 songs from that era in chronological order